Before you place your booking, please read the below as it will help answer most common questions. Please note that the standard prices given here will NOT apply if the property has not been properly cleaned during tenancy or occupancy. The prices here assume reasonably well maintained properties that have been kept clean to a good standard.


Please note

  • If you require carpet steam clean for a flat above the first floor where there is no working lift please send us details HERE as we need to assess whether or not to take the work on.
  • We supply products and ask for access, electricity and water.
  • Allow a window of 6 hours for the job. For example from 8am to 2pm, or 12pm to 6pm. We often work in teams and the number of people on the job will depend on the size of the job. For example a 1 bed flat may have 1-2 people working whilst a 4 bed house may have a team of 4-5 people. In general, most jobs finish within a 6 hour window.
  • We can collect/return keys to estate agents. However, this is chargeable and you can add this on if you need the service.
  • End of tenancy cleans are specifically for properties that are vacant as in no one living there, there may be large pieces of furniture i.e. wardrobes, beds but no belongings in the fridge or food in cupboards.
  • All moving out should be done before cleaning team arrive. If you move items after the clean you are likely to fail inventory checks. Also moving at the same time as cleaning will get in the way of cleaning.
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